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Did You Know, Standing and Walking the Good Men?

Do you realize that the way you stand in addition influence on health can also support your success in communicating with others?
If yes, have you done?
First try to fit the following things!
Standing perfectly
1. Stand in an upright position. So when viewed from the side, your body looks straight from the ears up to matakaki.
Your body will look taller.
2. Pull the shoulder so as not to shut jangkun (male).
Expand the chest and lower abdomen pull into.
With this position, your body shape will look more beautiful.
3. Adjust the position of the legs to support the body comfortably. For women, the position of both legs pressed together. Squeeze your heels and let your feet next to the open so as if to form a triangle.
For men, keep both feet do not exceed the width of the shoulder (not straddle when standing).
While running a good way
1. Reasonable steps to swing your legs, do not be too wide or too narrow.
Adjust the hand movements so as not to swing too wide in all directions.
2. Strive to both your feet touch the ground firmly. Do not drag your step or tiptoe.
People will be wondering, what's up with you if you move by dragging, hopscotch or toe or step into?
3. Point your eyes forward. Do not go back and forth down to the bottom cover jangkun or vocal cords
Show of your confidence.
• You used to walk quickly? Enjoy it while running his own habit. If you are with friends, adjust your pace to your friends your way.
Do not walk too fast if you do not want to be mistaken not wait to walk with him.
Nor should you pace while in a party or gathering crowd very quickly.
Atmosphere of the meeting as it should be enjoyed with a warm and relaxed.
Do not confuse the atmosphere with the steps you are in a hurry.
• If you're used to stepping foot wide, narrow distance measures and speed up the tempo. Try, deh result would be more comfortable for you and much better views of others.

Do You Know How Good and the True Sport?

For those of you who do not know how good exercise correctly please follow these steps:

Here are 3 ways to raise his arm muscles naturally, namely;
Push up exercise

push-up is one way of raising the arm muscles. for men who want to raise their arms rajinlah bibs for push-ups every day, as this will facilitate the enlargement of the arm muscles. For maximum results it is recommended to do push ups after waking up at least 20 times every day. However, men should note that doing push ups correctly and do not really push up pad, because denagn do push ups correctly will increase faster pembentuka arm muscles.
Sports barble

to raise your arm muscles by using a barbell exercise is not a stranger to be heard. Akarena tips using dumbbells to raise the muscle in the arm is the familiar. But how to raise your arm muscles by using weights you have to be patient, because the process is a bit long, but if you do this exercise regularly lifting barbell biceps can be big with young.
Drinking soy milk

The last way to raise the muscle with regular drinking soy milk will be easier to help increase muscle. Why is soy milk can be one of the drinks that can help in the process of enlarging the muscles, especially the muscles in your arms, because the soy milk protein for pembentkan terkandun muscle on our bodies. So if we are diligent drinking soy milk will accelerate the growth of our body muscles.

So I can say thank you for visiting...

Reduce Your Tahuka Sports Male Fertility?

Sports are healthy habits that anyone can do either men or women for a healthier life. However, you also must be careful with your exercise habits, especially for men.
There are some quirks in the exercise which can be detrimental to health. Especially the health problems associated with male fertility. What are they?
Exercise has great benefits, ranging from improving blood circulation, helps maintain weight, relieve stress and many more benefits that you can get by exercising.
However, exercise can not be done in vain because it might actually harm your health. Even the problems that may arise will affect your reproductive organs.
Even so you do not need to panic after learning that fact. Before you know whether the exercise you do during this potentially reduce fertility rates, you first need to understand what things are actually happening when you exercise.
Increase in temperature
Studies suggest that sperm production can run optimally at a temperature of 34-36 degrees Celsius. Even just 1 degree increase sperm production and sperm stops that have been produced will die slowly.
Indeed, there is a part of the male reproductive organ called the scrotum in charge of maintaining the temperature in the cool part. But the pants are too tight and the friction with the seat / saddle while cycling can interfere with the performance of the scrotum, thus raising the temperature in your reproductive organs.
To prevent this from happening, you should use the pants are a little loose, especially in the genital area. The move aims to keep the temperature in your genital organs remain awake and reproductive system performance is not compromised. In addition, you are also not recommended to soak in the hot tub, sauna or steam bath in which the temperature is too high for a long time.
Excessive pressure
Usually happens when you do sport cycling. At the time sitting on a bike seat, your weight will be resting on the perineum, which is in one spot between the anus and the scrotum, the area has a lot of nerve cells and blood vessels. As a result, athletes who like biking or cycling you for hours will have complaints of numbness in the pubic area.
Numbness is an indication of a blockage of blood flow into the penis. If allowed to continue for a long time, this can lead to impotence. So, if you are a fan of sport bikes, one of the solutions to overcome this is to choose the design of the seat / saddle that fits your body character.
Trauma to the genital area can also be a cause of reduced male fertility. Especially in the area of ​​testicular trauma. Many of you who may inadvertently have experienced serious trauma in the genital area during exercise. Without you knowing it, this trauma can affect your fertility. Prolonged pain, bruising, and swelling are signs that you have experienced trauma should immediately seek medical treatment. If left too long, can experience testicular atrophy or shrinkage size and can cause fertility problems.
The best solution to prevent injury and protect your vital organs from trauma is to use protective equipment in that section. Protective equipment is usually shaped like a bowl and is designed specifically to protect your reproductive organs from impact, lacing and other risks that endanger.
Look protectors are made from materials that are not heat to keep the temperature around your reproductive area remained stable.

Drinking Water Tips For Healthy Men

Water in the body including functions to maintain freshness, help digestion and remove toxins. But, you know, there are many benefits that direguk of water, in addition to the freshness.Many people who do not know the properties of water in addition to eliminate hunger alone. Water can cure various diseases in a way that is easy and inexpensive. The following 10 benefits of water that may be the reference time will consume drinks outside of water. Healthy Tips With Drinking Water:

  1. Streamlining the digestive system, Consuming adequate amounts of water each day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will avoid digestive problems such as ulcers or constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently.
  2. White Water Helps Slow growth Substances Cause Cancer, plus prevent kidney stones and liver disease. Drinking water will make the body more energy.
  3. Beauty Care, When the lack of drinking water, the body will absorb the water content in the skin so that the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, water can protect the skin from the outside, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin. To maintain the beauty of anything, as the body must be properly addressed, plus a glass of water 8-10 glasses a day.
  4. For Fertility, Increase the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women.
  5. According to the research result of a thrombosis research institute in London, England, if someone is always showered with cold water then smooth blood circulation and the body feels fresh and fit. Bath with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells in the body and increase one's ability to attack the virus.

In fact, a bath with cold water in the morning can increase the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. With so fertility and sexual excitement will increase. In addition it improves skin tissue, nails healthier and stronger, not easily cracked. Well, make that lazy lazy morning shower or even a bath should be revamped tuh start the habit ...

Men's Health Diet with The Japanese Diet

You certainly know if the Japanese eat with a menu that uses more vegetables and raw foods, and impact on the Japanese life expectancy is the highest in the world. And it would not hurt if you start to imitate the Japanese menu for your diet. If you are a woman would want to have a slim body like a japanese woman or as Dipta Anindita Princess Solo 2008. The menus are often consumed some Japanese people to be more healthy is as follows:1. Gemar VegetablesVegetable is one that is never forgotten menus in Japanese dishes. In fact, vegetables, from cauliflower, broccoli, eggplant, and radish, usually served as a main course. These habits, it makes Japanese women are slender, look more beautiful and sexy as the young wife Anindita Dipta Suspects Djoko Susilo. This is because, vegetables are foods high in fiber which makes us full longer. Choose snacks that are made from fresh fruit and vegetables to lose weight does not hold up.2. Soybean ConsumptionJapanese people on average consume 50 grams of soy per day. Even more interesting asalah, they eat soy in its natural form, miso, such as tofu, edamame, and soy beans. Habits are certainly very good because soy beans are a good source of protein and replacing meat. Soy beans are also a diet low in saturated fat, cholesterol, vegetable sources of protein and fiber to control appetite. Tempeh and tofu is one of the good soybeans. However, when cooked by frying, nutrients will be lost.3. Eating with RiceRice is the main food of the Japanese. In fact, sometimes they eat a bowl of rice with no seasoning, oil, butter or four times a day. This makes Japanese women are able to avoid muffins, white bread, donuts, or other high-calorie foods. Normal human requires 50% to 60% of the total carbohydrate foods consumed.And a good source of carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread and brown rice. Carbohydrate types are processed slowly so you will remain satisfied. In contrast to simple carbohydrates contained in white rice or white bread faster in consumption.4. Slowly chew the foodJapanese people used to chew food slowly. This turned out to be good for maintaining weight, able to give suggestions on body full faster. Signals that tell the brain satiety work a step slower than the way humans eat. So, if you eat quickly, you know that when you have had enough, you've already eaten too much. But when you eat slowly, you know that you're full at the right time and stop before you eat too many meals.5. Always BreakfastFor Japanese women, the breakfast is a very important activity. They are willing to get up early to prepare breakfast for the family. Prepared breakfast menu is also quite complete, consisting of a bowl of rice, tofu, miso soup, a small sheet of seaweed, sliced ​​scallion, omelette or a piece of grilled salmon, and green tea.Habit breakfast menu can be emulated, to maintain body weight and metabolism, which means no burning of body fat. The ideal breakfast menu consisting of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber.6. Green Tea All DayThe drinks are very popular with Japanese people is green tea. They drink green tea all the time, even, in a Japanese restaurant, green tea is always available free crate of water in Indonesia. This habit is very good for the body, because it contains antioxidants that green tea is quite high and serves to scavenge free radicals in the body. And outcomes for health will be maximized if drinking green tea without any added sugar.With a Healthy Diet menu and follow the Japanese diet, it could be your life will be longer. For women, the body also will look more attractive, it can even be the gorgeous young wife Sexy Dipta Anindita easily you beat Djoko Susilo.

Did you know 10 Healthy Habits That Make Men More Handsome?

A lack of confidence on the physical appearance not only happen to women, many men also feel that way. Men can do some healthy habits that can naturally exude an aura of good looks.Here are 10 tips that need to be done to make him more attractive appearance, among others:
1. Skin care treatment
Who says skin care is only needed by women alone? Men also need to take care of her skin on skin epidermal cells do not die. Use a moisturizer to keep the skin from drying out.
It is also important to apply sunscreen to reduce premature aging and damage due to ultraviolet light exposure. Make skin care activities as routine as brushing your teeth or shaving.
2. Quitting smoking
Smoking habit not only makes a man get a negative image of women but it also can cause wrinkles worse than the effects of sunlight.
Smoking can rob collagen and elastin which gives skin texture, strength, elasticity and accelerate the aging process. Smoking also can cause a grayish color to the skin.
3. A healthy diet
A diet that will make men more radiant skin, beautiful hair and a fitter body. The key is to keep the intake of nutrients remain balanced. Eat foods rich in fiber that can lower cholesterol and a diet that is low in sugar, high in protein and calcium.
4. Sleep quality
Fill the recommended hours of sleep for good health that is at least 8 hours a day. Sleep can restore the condition of all the organs of the body, including the skin is the largest organ of the body.
Sleep can also reduce tension and anxiety, reduce wrinkles, frown lines and worry lines. Lack of sleep also cause dark circles under the eyes that bothers the appearance of men.
5. Keep yourself from dehydration
Skin needs water to function properly, especially to counter the damage caused by the sun. Drink eight glasses of water a day as recommended also can remove toxins from the body and carries nutrients to the inner layer of skin (dermis).
6. Keep the body stay slim
Keep your body to stay slim will not only improve the appearance of a man but also reduces the risk of stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. But do diet the right way.
Reduce calorie intake by reducing the consumption of unhealthy fried foods. In this way, men's body weight will be reduced to one pound for two weeks.
7. Be pro-antioxidant
Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E found in fruits and vegetables are very important for the body. Antioxidants promote skin repair and elasticity and also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
8. Cardio exercise
A cardio exercise can reduce stress, make men happier and give glowing effect to the skin. Light aerobic exercise for half an hour a day can also increase heart rate and blood flow.
The exercise can also be done with a walk, ride a bike or doing activities that make the body sweat. Choose the type of exercises are fun and make him comfortable doing.
9. Avoid drinking alcohol
Alcohol causes swelling of the tissues, especially puffy eyes and cause poor eating habits that lead to weight gain. It certainly makes him look bad appearance.
10. Strapping body
Good posture really gives a good look for him. Core of strength training or exercise is a little heavy to prevent body stooped. Exercise for muscle strength training for 2 to 3 times a week.

What is the best diet for men? Do you know?

In the best diet for men article I will discuss why men need to go on a diet, why men can actually be faster remove excess body fat and why men do not like women dieting.
For most men who never go on a diet is to be done.
Perhaps because the image is so closely related diet with women.
But do you men know that diet is also important for you ..?Some of the reasons that you can make the motivation to start dieting
Maintain your health

The main problem usually occurs when the fat guy starts to accumulate abdominal area, this will automatically lead to health problems in the long run.

Excess abdominal fat area could pose a risk of prostate cancer, heart attack, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

This is what may be the strongest motivation to start dieting.
Keeping your appearance.

Unlike women, men may be more indifferent towards their appearance. But nevertheless your appearance is the first impression for people who first met with you.

Imagine the first time you meet with people who have extra fat in his body, pants xxxl size is still too narrow look.

What do you think ..?

That's how people see you the first time. And the fact that most women would prefer a man with a flat stomach in comparison belly fat.
So what are you waiting for, start dieting ...!Some facts why men lose fat more easily than womenMen have a higher metabolic rate than women.

As we know, high metabolism means the body's ability to burn fat become higher also. Although you are resting.
Men have 30% more muscle mass than women.

CC is like the muscle car its the bigger CC the fuel needed more and more also. So the more muscle mass then you will burn fat in the more.
The male body has a tendency to store less fat than women.

With over least amount of fat that can be stored by your body, then with a slight increase in the body's metabolism (can be done with regular exercise) and change the type of food, you can burn fat reserves in the body effectively.
There are 2 options for men best diet options, namely:A diet that is used to shape your muscles.The diet to lose weight.
If women would choose to go on a diet weight loss, because she did not want to have big muscles like men.
So the best diet for men, your choice will probably fall on the form and add to your muscle mass.How do I ..?Join the best diet for men in the fitness club is the best way. Besides, you will meet with new friends, you will also get information about how a healthy diet for men.
Look for a nearby fitness club with your residence and it will be better if you have friends who also want to get a more athletic body.
Begin to pay attention to what you eat. Because men do not like women who go on a diet as generally more concerned with their food, eating less etc. So it is best to change the type and how to cook your food.
Why is that .. look in on healthy eating guide.
Even if portions remain the same, with a different way of cooking you will put fewer calories into your body. For example: Changing eating habits fried with chicken, grilled chicken, chicken breast rather than chicken thighs.
And most importantly, keep practicing with discipline and following the instructor guide at your fitness club. By this way, you undoubtedly aim to have an athletic body with a flat stomach will be achieved.
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